Monthly Archives: June 2015

Style Test / Character Design

abnormals-sketchHere is a preliminary art test from my upcoming new comic. I was still working out the style for the book and testing character designs with this one. I used a brush instead of the usual Microns. I like it overall, but I feel like this ended up being a little too cartoony for the serious and dark tone of the new story. Plus I made the decision to go with color over black and white. So it’s was back to the drawing board to tweak the style and color palette. Stay tuned for more.

Throwback Illustration

Some art I did back in my college days. It’s a good example of my style back then. On a side note, I am pretty sure this was my first freelance job in design or illustration ever. I was contracted to draw a series of 20 something illustrations that were intended to be included in some kids novel. Unfortunately the writer wasn’t able to get it published but it was a great opportunity for the time. clarity